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Kansas State University is seasoned in university/private sector collaboration and methods to enhance the value created for both.
With more than 220 active patents, K-State has demonstrated experienced in advancing and protecting intellectual property. Simply search K-State's portfolio of technologies that are currently available for licensing. The list is frequently updated and includes descriptions of technologies related to patents and other intellectual property owned or otherwise managed by K-State. Contact us to learn more about a technology.
K-State has the necessary resources to strengthen industry outcomes, and the expertise to develop long-term strategies for R&D. Learn about how you can establish a research relationship with K-State.
Service and testing options are available to meet the business needs of companies and advance our public mission. Learn about testing or research services at K-State.
K-State ensures that our researchers and partners have the tools they need to solve global challenges. The university is home to more than 90 research centers and a wealth of administrative spaces. Explore labs and centers on campus.
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Featured K-State Research Capabilities
Biosecurity Research Institute (BRI)
The BRI supports comprehensive “farm to fork” infectious disease research programs that address threats to plant, animal, and human health. The BRI, has helped jump-start some of the research planned for NBAF. K-State’s BRI provides state-of-the-art biocontainment infrastructure to allow NBAF research to begin well in advance of it's official opening day.
The Kansas State University College of Engineering, which is the largest and most comprehensive engineering college in the region, has more than 100 years of vibrant history. The college offers over 30 undergraduate, masters and doctorate degree programs spanning 17 different fields and is known for outstanding research programs related to energy, health, infrastructure, and information technology.
Global Food Systems (GFS)
Kansas State’s world class research in animal health, plant science, and food safety and security have firmly established the university as a leader in addressing growing resource needs of the global food system. Industry partners are essential to keeping the U.S. food system one of the most competitive in the world.
National Bio and Agro-defense Facility (NBAF)
Right next door to K-State, NBAF is an essential component to ensuring public health and the safety and security of our national food supply. NBAF is a $1.25 billion, 580,000 square-foot facility that provides integrated research, response and diagnostic capabilities to protect animal and public health.